Fall Into February

Feb 1, 2025
Heather Lethander

Fall Into February

February might be the shortest month, but there is no shortage of fun activities around CHPC! Start getting in shape by learning line dancing, or learn more about our Men's Ministry at a breakfast this month. We have several ways to deepen your walk with God by learning to share your faith with others and how to support our children through questions about sexuality and strengthening our parenting skills. Whew! That's a lot of great stuff. Be sure to sign up and bring a friend!

Line Dancing - Saturdays 4-5:30pm

Chase away the winter blues by joining this line dancing class. All ages are welcome and no experience is necessary. Instructor James Wright will teach us the basics of line dancing.

Classes are held on Saturdays 4-5:30 pm, January 25 - March 1st in Great Hall (Lower Level of Learning Center). You do not have to attend all classes to register. register at www.chpc.org/dance

Grief Gathering - Wednesday, Feb 5th (11:30am-1pm)

Experience compassion as a community for those suffering from the loss of a family member or friend. We will share a light lunch and conversation. Respond to Jan Johnson at 513-853-2873 or 513-324-7412.

Men's Breakfast - Saturday, Feb 8th (9-10am)

This is a great opportunity to meet the men involved in the men's ministry at CHPC. Come and bring a friend to Panera on Winton Road.

Faith Sharing Training - Saturday, Feb 8 (9-11am)

A New Year brings new opportunities to share your faith. Our faith-sharing training removes the mystery of sharing your faith and equips you with skills you can use that same day. The training is designed for many different learning styles and includes lectures, storytelling, practice, Q&A, and more. Join us on Feb 8 from 9 – 11 am, breakfast included. RSVP here: chpc.org/faith

Anchored - Saturday, February 15th (7-8:30pm)

Invest in your marriage with this small group community. Each month a couple speaks on their marriage journey.

Boundless Parent Training - Saturday February 15th (8:30am-1pm)

Join us for a FREE workshop packed with practical strategies to help your children navigate life's ups and downs. Free lunch and childcare will be provided (must register) register at www.chpc.org/thrive

Contact Nikki McKenna with questions @ 513-491-5571

Global Outreach Gathering - Sunday February 16th (11:45-1:15pm)

Our monthly Global Outreach Gathering wiill feature a zoom call with Dallas-based missionaries, Luke & Molly Verhagen (in training) and Andy & Emily Eatough.

A light lunch will be provided.

Christian Sexuality Training - Friday, February 21 (6:30-8:30pm)

Topic this week - Sex & Marriage/Singleness & Intimacy/Porn & Masturbation

Taste of Honey - Saturday, Feb 22 (

We celebrate Black History month with a “Taste of Honey.” Much of the history of mankind is a history of eating and taste. Yet at the same time eating and food preparation have always been a cultural manifestation. We want you to take a closer look at the history of taste.

African American food is American food. Years of enslavement and servitude, followed by a bustling invention and reclamation of soul food and Southern cooking, build on African cooking traditions date back centuries. Black Americans haven’t just contributed to American food, they are central to it. African immigrants across the globe have brought their own traditions with them.

Food is a universal love language, and in the Black community, this love runs deep. It comes from a desire to nourish others, spend time together, maintain traditions, and stay within their means. African American food, known as, “Soul Food,” is closely related to the cuisines of both Africa and the American South.

You are invited to join us on Saturday February 22nd for a cooking demonstration. 

Sunday Funday Taste of Honey - Sunday February 23rd (10:30 - 1pm)

We will have a single, combined service at 10:30am. Following the service, we will have a congregation lunch featuring the "Soul Food" prepared on Saturday. 

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