To Mulch or Not to Mulch?

Mulch makes your flower beds look great – but it also retains moisture, slows down weed growth, provides nutrients, controls erosion and insulates the soil, protecting plants from extreme temperature variations. Our mulch is professional-grade recycled wood products that last longer than budget brands. For nominal fees have the mulch delivered and even spread.

How Much Mulch?

Landscapers recommend a minimum of 2 inches of mulch. Mulch ‘chunk size’ or shredding does affect coverage. To estimate the number of BAGS of our mulch to order, measure the length and width of the area you are covering. Multiply the length (ft) by the width (ft) to get the square feet. A 3 cubic foot bag covers a 18 sq ft (6ft x 3ft area); a 2 cu ft bag covers 12 sq ft (4ft x 3ft area).

Black or Brown Mulch?

Color is a personal preference. Both mulches work well to keep down weeds, reduce watering and soil erosion year round. They form an interlocking mat of protection around plants and trees. The Black mulch's color is enhanced. It typically is shredded to a fine texture. Pine-bark mulch comes in various forms. 1-2" brown Mini-Nuggets are best for both flower beds and walkways, including pet highways throughout the yard. Nuggets also have a better than average longevity and cost less per square foot.

Service Delivery Options

No Strain Options. We deliver within a 10 mile radius of College Hill.

  • Delivery includes stacking bags of mulch in one area of a driveway/yard
  • Delivery and Spreading the mulch includes placing bags of mulch in several locations in your garden and carefully spreading the mulch.

We'll deliver a pallet of mulch FREE. Join with neighbors and order a pallet load - 75 bags of black mulch, or 39 bags of dark brown pine bark mini-nuggets. That will save you money and beautify your neighborhood!

Your Order is a Double Blessing

The 13th annual CHPC Youth Mulch Madness Sale is a fund-raiser for scholarship funds for the CHPC Summer Swimming Ministry, an American Red Cross swim lesson provider for College Hill and Greater Cincinnati since 1976. For children ages 1-4, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths. For ages 5-14, it's the second leading cause. 10 people drown every day in the USA. Annually over 300,000 drown world-wide. Scholarship funds enable us to say 'yes' to parents unable to afford lessons. Plus, we equip our teenage staff for a life of service to others and a lifetime with the Living Water.

circlecash  Donate to the Swim MINISTRY Scholarship Fund



Mulch Sales will take place between April 1 and May 1, 2022. 

Mulch pick-up Information:

At College Hill Presbyterian Church

10:00AM - 1:00PM

April 9-10

April 30-May 1

Services & Delivery may be scheduled after mulch is purchased

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