The Connections Team is a group of people committed to making people who come to CHPC feel welcome and loved. God transforms lives and makes people new in Jesus Christ. Connections Team exists to provide a welcome environment for all people to experience transformation in Jesus Christ.

We are looking for people who want to experience and share God’s transformational love through the way we serve and interact with one another on Sunday mornings.

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Do you have an interest in singing and want to help lead the congregation in worship on Sundays? Consider joining our CHPC Choir. Rehearsals are on Thursdays 7-8pm, and the choir leads worship during the 9 am service each Sunday.

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Our handbell choir is a group that helps lead worship by ringing recognizable music with melodies and harmony. The handbell ensemble acts as one instrument, with each musician responsible for particular notes, sounding his or her assigned bells whenever those notes appear in the music. 

Our Handbell Choir practices on Tuesday evenings, and has openings for new musicians!

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No green thumbs needed! This is a group of individuals who enjoy helping to keep the campus clean and well maintained. The group typically works one Saturday morning per month to weed, trim bushes and pick up litter. Enjoy some time outdoors!

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Are you handy around your house? Are you a skilled professional?  People with these skills: carpentry, mechanical, and IT are especially helpful.

We have a small, but dedicated team that helps around the church campus. We can work around your schedule and you can work on your own or with a team.

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