Every presbyterian congregation is governed by its Session of the elders duly elected by and from the covenant partners of the congregation, along with the congregation’s installed pastors and associate pastors. The session has responsibility and authority for governing the congregation and guiding its mission for Christ in the world. (ECO Constitution 1.0601)
Deacons lead ministries that nurture fellowship and care-giving within and beyond the congregation. Deacons may also be asked to preach and teach. The session shall oversee and direct the ministry of the deacons. (Polity 2.03, ECO Constitution 1.0601)
The CNC serves the church and the session by proposing a slate of potential candidates for church officers to be voted upon
by members each fall. the group is chaired by an elder on session and includes a second session elder, a representative of the deacon board, and 5-6 representatives from the congregation who are elected for a one-year term.