Jump Into January!

Jan 1, 2025
Heather Lethander

Jump Into January!

Can you believe it is 2025?! I love the snow although not everyone does. We have been debating cold versus warm weather preferences in our staff meetings for months!

Let's get the year started off on the right foot by getting involved here at CHPC. There are several exciting new opportunities this month to get involved.

YOUTH NEW YEARS PARTY - Sunday, January 5 (12-2pm) - Mark your calendars for all the fun we have in January! First up, our New Year’s Eve party with games, food, fun & prizes! Bring a friend! Contact Nikki with questions at Nmckenna@chpc.org

PRELUDE AT THE MANGER - Sunday, January 12th (3:00 pm) - There is a wonderful lyric at the close of the hymn “Love Divine All Loves Excelling, joy of heav’n to earth come down” which reads “lost in wonder, love and praise”.  

Rodney Barbour has prepared this unique collection of organ pieces to offer a joyous reflection on Jesus Christ’s incarnation as well as a time to enjoy many of the beautiful sounds of College Hill Presbyterian’s Schantz-Allen Digital Pipe Organ.  Plan now to join in this time of worship, reflection, remembrance and laughter!  

(P.S. Even if you are not a “fan” of organ music, you will enjoy this time together!).   

GROWTH GROUPS - Sunday, January 12th - Growth Groups at CHPC provide a supportive place for people to gather, exploring how God’s Word relates to their everyday lives. It’s a place to be intentional in following Christ through prayer, play, study and service. New Groups kick off Jan.12! Find a group at chpc.org/growth.

2025 CHPC MISSION TRIP - Sign up now -There are still spaces available for our Sonlight Power CHPC Mission Trip for June 7-14, 2025. For more information and to register, please visit chpc.org/slp25

LADIES BIBLE STUDY - Begins Tuesday, January 14 (9:30 - 11am) - All women are welcome as we follow writer Kristi McLelland through Israel and study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke. Over 7 weeks she will challenge the way we read the accounts of Jesus through videos that take us on location! Sign up at chpc.org/Tuesday.  Childcare available upon registration.

CHRISTIAN SEXUALITY TRAINING - Friday, January 17 (7-9pm) - Please join us for a Family Ministries Focus Training on Christian Sexuality. There will be five sessions on Friday evenings, kicking off  with an info session. Visit chpc.org/CST to register for the sessions! This is a FREE training (for adults) with dinner and childcare included! Grab your spot now!

ANCHORED - Saturday, January 18 (7pm) - Our January  Anchored Marriage Enrichment will feature Pastor Greg (Liberty Church in College Hill) and Cheryl Reynolds. They will expand on the vow “To Love & Cherish”. RSVP at chpc.org/anchored.

MLK, JR SERVICE - Sunday, January 19 (4-6pm) - Please join our community for a moving collaboration of faith communities and art forms in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fellowship and snacks will begin at 4pm followed by worship at 5pm.

Please note: The  service will be held at First United Church of Christ, 5808 Glenview Avenue 45224.

MLK Jr. HOLIDAY - Monday, January 20 - Church offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of MLK, Jr. Day.

ECO NATIONAL GATHERING - January 27-29 - Members of the church staff and congregation will be attending the ECO National Gathering in Dallas, TX. The theme of the conference is "Abide", and it is a deep dive into what it means to abide in Christ, and how to prayerfully grow closer to the God who created us to depend on Him and bear fruit in our lives and ministries.



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