Marvelous March

Mar 1, 2025
Heather Lethander

Marvelous March

The weather is teasing us again that perhaps Spring has "sprung"! We are beginning Lent next week with a great new sermon series focusing on the Beatitudes - Jesus's Blessed List. We also have lots of great activities happening at the church, and plenty of opportunities to invite someone new to try out CHPC.

Rock Quest - Saturday, March 1st (10-12pm) - Ignite Men's Group invites men 18+ for a morning of rock climbing. Lunch afterwards at Skyline. Please register and sign waiver at

CHPC Housing Week - March 2-9th

CHPC will be providing housing for families experiencing homelessness this week. We need help with meals, playing with kids, and setup/cleanup. Register at or see Dave/Cyndy Butz in the Atrium.

Ash Wednesday Worship - Wednesday, March 5th (7pm) 

Join us Wednesday night to begin the season of Lent. During Lent, we focus on the character and actions of Jesus, especially focusing upon his journey to the cross. This year, we will walk through Jesus's teachings in Matthew 5:1-12, "The Beatitudes". This service will begin our journey with Jesus's powerful teaching about what is truly blessed.

Daylight Savings Time Begins! March 9th (2am)

Don't be late to church. Move your clocks forward one hour on March 9th!

Lent Sermon Series - March 9

Our Lenten series this year will be a walk through the Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 in order to marinate in the character of Jesus. In each of his statements, Jesus highlights a particular character trait or skill that pays huge heavenly dividends. Jesus shocks us with His Blessed List. What he calls blessed, we naturally seek to avoid. He is showing us the ways of the Kingdom of God are not the priorities of this world. As we soak up Jesus, we will gain a security of soul for this life and a deeper hope for the life to come. Let’s be blessed according to the words of Jesus this Lent and Easter.  

Pancake Breakfast - Saturday, March 15 (9-12pm) 

Come enjoy a full pancake breakfast with entertainment and games! Proceeds support scholarships at 3Cs Nursery School.

register at

Line Dancing - Saturdays 4-5:30pm

Chase away the winter blues by joining this line dancing class. All ages are welcome and no experience is necessary. Instructor James Wright will teach us the basics of line dancing.

Classes are held on Saturdays 4-5:30 pm, January 25 - March 1st in Great Hall (Lower Level of Learning Center). You do not have to attend all classes to register. register at

Anchored - Saturday, March 15th (7-8:30pm)

Invest in your marriage with this small group community. Each month a couple speaks on their marriage journey. In March, we will be looking at your Wedding Vow in "Happiness and Sadness.  Our very own Jeanne Schneider and husband Stephen will both charm us and educate us on the the Love languages and challenges of blended families. 

please register at

Classical Roots Concert - Saturday, March 15 (7:30pm) AT MUSIC HALL

Classical Roots celebrates the richly diverse African American musical experience, bringing together 150 singers from churches throughout the region (including CHPC) with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. When you purchase tickets, use promo code 16309 and CSO will donate a portion of your ticket to CHPC! Buy tickets here.

Peer to Peer Fundraiser - March 16 (12-4pm)

Leaders & students and families from JU, 3C's, Whiz Kids, Sunday School and Youth Group invite YOU to partner with us for this wonderful investment opportunity that is taking place on Sunday March 16th from 12 to 4 PM. 

We want to partner with God and watch him move in as many places as possible and that happens when you invite others to join with us as investors to help us reach our goal of $10,000! All funds raised will be equally distributed amongst all five areas of Family Ministries. 

There are two ways to get involved:

1. Present or tape a short statement about how Family Ministries has positively impacted you and your family. Sign up here:

2. Make an investment in Family Ministries and help to impact our youth.

Global Outreach Gathering - Sunday March 16th (11:45-1:15pm)

Our monthly Global Outreach Gathering wiill feature a zoom call with Dallas-based missionaries, Luke & Molly Verhagen (in training) and Andy & Emily Eatough.

A light lunch will be provided.

Ladies' Bible Study - Tuesdays, March 18th - April 29th (9:30-11am)

Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?

In this 7-session video-based study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you'll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don't just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace. Register and purchase a book at

Christian Sexuality Training - Friday, March 21 (6:30-8:30pm)

Topic this week - Same-Sex Sexuality/Transgender Identities/LGBTQ+ Questions. 

How will the Church disciple through these challenges? It’s not enough to just quote Bible verses at our youth, or to give a one-off message on sexuality and gender. We need to show them how beautiful the Creator’s vision for human flourishing really is, so that they will not only believe it—but desire it!

Everyone, including our children, needs to hear the truth of what God says about sex, and the truth of what God says about grace. We wholeheartedly believe that both the truth and the grace of the gospel are essential in how we approach sex and sexuality, especially the LGBTQ conversations.

please register at

Family Ministries' Leadership Retreat - Sunday, Mar 30 (8:30am-12pm)

Join us for a special time of rest, renewal, and recognition at our First Annual Family Ministries Leader Retreat! This retreat is dedicated to honoring the hard work and dedication of our Family Ministries Leaders, who faithfully serve and nurture the spiritual growth of our CHPC families throughout the year. Please register in advance at


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