Endowment Fund

What is the CHPC Endowment Fund?

CHPC is interested in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus and supporting others! The CHPC Endowment Fund is a key way that we help provide funding to organizations that are doing outreach in our community, across the country, or around the world. The Endowment Fund at College Hill Presbyterian Church was established in 1975. The principal money in this trust account is invested, and income generated by the fund is given away in the form of grants.

The Endowment Fund is managed by an independent investment company that provides annual reporting to the CHPC Trustee Administrators who are responsible for ensuring that the Fund is properly invested.

In 2024, $48,500 was distributed among 23 organizations in 8 different countries!

  • Grants allow for ministries to receive funding for special projects
  • Grants demonstrate the financial support of the CHPC body of Christ for the body of Christ around the world
  • Giving to the Endowment Fund is a special opportunity for CHPC members and friends to give to ministries around the world, today and for years to come
  • Educated and trained 300+ Dignity kit recipients on product use, personal hygiene, and God’s message.
  • Provided 2 Quonset homes and food for refugees and earthquake survivors in the Izmir region of Turkey.
  • Supported a two-day children’s camp in Africa
  • Built 20 room additions in 3 villages in Kenya to provide dedicated sleeping rooms with mattresses, solar lights and menstrual supplies for girls.

Grant Guidelines

Grants are to be used for missions or outreach with the following guidelines:

  • Aid evangelism and compassion for groups or people “beyond the walls” of CHPC
  • One time expenditures, not annual budgeted expenditures