Our History is HIS-Story
College Hill Presbyterian Church began as a ‘mission’ church with 33 people meeting in a college chapel. The continuing health and growth of the church is a dramatic witness of God’s faithfulness to His people and His people’s joyful obedience to Jesus Christ, God’s Word, and God’s visions.
Settled in the early 1800’s, College Hill, then known as Pleasant Hill, was a small, unincorporated community north of the city of Cincinnati. Since the life of the village centered on its two colleges – Farmer’s College (located near the present site of Aiken High School) and the Ohio Female College (on the site of Children’s Hospital College Hill Campus) – the area became known as College Hill.
A number of families from Mount Pleasant Church, in the area now known as Mt Healthy, began to worship in the Farmer’s College Chapel. Rev. J.S. Edwards of Mount Pleasant PC preached part-time. On April 23, 1853, 33 people met with an authorized committee from the Hamilton Presbytery to form a new church. The founding families presented their letters of dismissal to Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church and covenanted to “organize and walk according to the rules of the Presbyterian Church.”
The First Presbyterian Church of College Hill continued to meet in the Farmer’s College Chapel, but within a month began to solicit subscriptions for the present church building site. One half of the $12,000 cost was given by William and Samuel Cary, major landowners in the area. Brick for the new building was purchased from Pleasant Hill Kiln, located directly across Hamilton ‘Turnpike’ from the church’s property. On January 1, 1857, an 800 seat Sanctuary was dedicated.
That’s faith – faith in a faithful God who gives and empowers the visions He entrusts to His people. Soon, the building was filled with believers worshipping the Lord with a joyful noise. The church spire and bell, financed by a grand concert given by city musicians, added to the melody in 1859. The bell was cracked in 1865 by exuberant ringing announcing the end of the Civil War. It was later melted down and recast into the one that now calls the church family to worship. In 1862, the melodeon that had assisted worshippers for many years was sold. An organ was installed an functioned well until replaced in 1886.
While the Sanctuary developed rapidly, Sunday School continued to be held in the Farmer’s College Chapel. Teachers and pupils traveled between the two locations for nearly twenty years until 1877 when the village school on the church grounds was purchased and dedicated.
What might be referred to as divine remodeling occurred in August, 1888. An hour after the close of the Sunday worship service, a sudden storm completely destroyed the church building, but left the two-year-old organ undamaged.
Services were held in the College Hill Town Hall on Larch Avenue until the new stone structure, with three new memorial windows, was dedicated on October 5, 1890. The ‘chapel area’ and east end of today’s Sanctuary were part of the 1890 building.
The chronicle of God’s faithfulness and blessings for His people continued as the church grew. The Parish House was built in 1926 to provide additional Sunday School facilities and a center for community activities. In 1935, the original Manse was built.
On June 17, 1951, ground was broken for an enlarged Sanctuary. During construction, worship services were held in the Hollywood Movie Theater (which was later the House of Joy). Finally, Sunday, January 4, 1953, almost 100 years after the Church was formed, the new Sanctuary was dedicated to the service of God.
In 1953, the Poundsford family donated the Chatfield property, including the 100-year-old white frame house east of the Sanctuary. The building, which served as the residence of head custodians and the birthplace of CHPC’s Teleois counseling ministry, was razed during the 1981 building program.
In 1960, the church was incorporated under Ohio Law, and adopted the name, College Hill Presbyterian Church. The Fellowship Hall, dedicated in January, 1961, provided expanded nursery, kitchen, lounge and auditorium facilities. In 1967, the Lewis property, just north of Fellowship Hall, was purchased to provide a much-needed area for additional parking. In 1971, the 50 rank, 4 manual Schantz pipe organ was installed and dedicated. The chancel area was also modified to provide seating space for the 100-member choir and orchestra during special musical worship services and community concerts.