
Upcoming Events for Adults


Third Saturday, from 02/15/2025 to 05/31/2025, 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Small Groups

Young Adults Ministry

Young Adults is a place to make friends, grow together, and learn or explore what it means to follow Jesus. Each young adult’s meeting starts with a dinner and catching up with one another. After that, we read the Bible and discuss what it means for our lives. Once a month, we have a board game night to build relationships with one another and invite others to join us in a fun night. We also periodically go into the city for fun nights; we’ve gone to Breakout Games, Fowling, Pins Mechanical, and more. We’d love to have you join us. We meet Tuesdays from 7-9 pm at the Church. Contact Samuel Mock,, to let him know you're coming, get more details, and to be added to the Young Adults GroupMe.

Ignite Men's Ministry

Ignite is our Men’s Ministry that meets the 2nd and 4th Monday from 6 – 7 pm. The group meets regularly to study the Bible and live into Biblical Manhood. We seek to help men thrive as they grow as husbands, fathers, bosses, and community leaders.

Knits & Pearls

This group focuses on fabric arts while enjoying conversation and fellowship. The finished projects are then given to community members in the hospital or facing difficult times. This group meets Thursdays from 10am-12pm.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club at CHPC, is not a group of young kids serving detention on a Saturday morning. It is however a bunch of rambunctious adults, male and female who come together to connect, encourage, laugh, cry, pray and yes eat.

Breakfast Club features video sessions, community service projects, deep dives into the scriptures, singing, meditating and also quiet moments, evoking life questions around community, relationships, and where do we need to mature more. Breakfast Club will go through the Bible in 52 weeks in 2025, we are inviting everyone 20 years or older to join us.

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers seeks to disciple men to be better Christ-followers by meeting together to study scripture, worship God, and pray. We meet on the first and third Thursday of the month at 6:15 am.​

Bible Studies

Ladies' Bible Study

Enjoy a video-based bible study featuring fellowship and refreshments with a mission to transform lives through Bible study to challenge one another to obey Jesus in everyday life and strengthen the work of the Church. This group meets Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11am.

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers seeks to disciple men to be better Christ-followers by meeting together to study scripture, worship God, and pray. We meet on the first and third Thursday of the month at 6:15 am.​

Ignite Men's Ministry

Ignite is our Men’s Ministry that meets the 2nd and 4th Monday from 6 – 7 pm. The group meets regularly to study the Bible and live into Biblical Manhood. We seek to help men thrive as they grow as husbands, fathers, bosses, and community leaders.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club at CHPC, is not a group of young kids serving detention on a Saturday morning. It is however a bunch of rambunctious adults, male and female who come together to connect, encourage, laugh, cry, pray and yes eat.

Breakfast Club features video sessions, community service projects, deep dives into the scriptures, singing, meditating and also quiet moments, evoking life questions around community, relationships, and where do we need to mature more. Breakfast Club will go through the Bible in 52 weeks in 2025, we are inviting everyone 20 years or older to join us.