CHPC Swim Ministry

Swimming Instruction with an Eternal Difference

The Goal of the CHPC Swim Ministry is to equip students for what the American Red Cross describes as ‘survival’ swimming. An integral part of such survival is being relaxed and confident in the water so that swimming is fun. Our focus is not on speed or beautiful swimming. We prepare students for a lifetime relationship with water, including the Living Water, Jesus Christ…the rest will follow.


Morning 10 AM, 11 AM, 12 Noon @North Hills Swim Club
  • Week #1 – June 23-27
  • Week #2 – July 14-18
  • Week #3 – July 28-August 1
Evenings 6-7 PM @ Twin Towers Wellness Connection
  • Week A – July 7-11
  • Week B – July 21-25


For 2024, the American Red Cross recommends a minimum age of 5 years the first day of class. Until all participants have been vaccinated, we will limit the number of students and staff allowed in the pool. Please register early. 

RESOURCE FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OLD. Ask for our booklet for adults to use to teach young children under five years old.


All Red Cross SKILL LEVELS (1 TO 6) – Use the ONLINE Student Form below to register for any of the weeks. The form will ask about student’s abilities. A clear description of the student’s swim skill will help with correct class placement. We have computer records for our former students. List training/experiences since the last lessons with the Swim Ministry.

New to the Swim Ministry? – Any previous Swim Ministry lessons? Other Red Cross or YMCA lessons (year/level)? Will put face in water? Regularly swims with face in? Jumps into deep water unassisted? List negative swim experiences.


Registration is on a first come, first served basis, for any and all teaching weeks. For children/teen lessons, novice and beginner levels, we teach one-on-one with teenage Teachers working under an experienced supervisor. We limit enrollment for safety. If a class is filled, you will be notified that you are on a “waiting list”. We seek to accommodate those desiring lessons. Please register early.


We believe that God has gifted the teaching staff with the talent to help others to enjoy water and swimming. We teach so that God may teach through us. We are accountable to Him to use our talents, and we expect Him to do miraculous things in our midst.

The classes and teaching have been structured so that students are able to build a relationship with a teacher. We view each class as an opportunity for teachers, teachers’ aides, and students to join together to discover their unique capabilities…and to grow as people, not just as swimmers! We teach and, in turn, are taught by the LORD through meeting the special needs of the individual students.

We strongly believe in the power of prayer in the teaching and learning process: prayer by teachers, students, parents & friends. Anxiety, fear, and negative memories are powerful deterrents to learning. We have seen Jesus Christ calm such “winds & waves” of fear, just as surely as He did over 1900 years ago on the Sea of Galilee. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do anything God wants me to do by the power He gives me to do it!” Even the smallest faith in a great God releases God’s great power.

Lastly, we seek to “catch students doing something right.” We are committed to affirming the swimmers’ personhood and abilities, rather than motivating performances by techniques that tend to devalue them in their own eyes and in the eyes of others.

Register for Swim Classes

The Swim Ministry offers American Red Cross (ARC) certification for Level 1 (Novice) through Level 6 (Advanced Skills). When registering a swimmer new to the Swim Ministry, please refer to these Levels. If the swimmer has had no previous experience or had a negative experience, please note that on the registration form.

We assign a swimmer’s teacher based on the information provided on the Application Form. During lessons, we reserve the right to move a student to a level appropriate to their abilities. The weeks and times a particular skill level is offered is established by the Registrar based on student needs and effective utilization of instructors and facilities. Levels 1 – 6 will be offered for all weeks and for several hours. Levels 5-6 must be completed in a deep water pool, but stroke training for these levels may be in either pool.

Register for Classes

Founded in 1976, this unique ministry has a large staff of American Red Cross certified instructors, lifeguards, supervisors and Junior and Senior High teachers’ aides. Every summer there is a good mix of staff — some with 50+ years of experience and others who are new teachers being supervised by experienced staff. Adult staff are believers confessing Jesus Christ as Savior & Lord.

Swimmers who are at least 11 years old and working at skill Level 4 or higher may apply to participate in our Teacher’s Aide program which combines class work with experience in teaching others. Call Katy Verhagen (513-919-9658) and ask for details.

Apply to Teach


Thirty percent of our income is from grants and scholarship fund donors (individuals and businesses). These tax-deductible gifts make it possible for children to learn to swim and reduce drowning deaths. Please visit the websites of our sponsors to learn more about them and their role in youth swimming.